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New York City > Real Estate > Commercial Real Estate > / 2800ft² - Experienced Broker, Great Office Space, Great Location **LOOK**

/ 2800ft² - Experienced Broker, Great Office Space, Great Location **LOOK**

New York City, NY • 09/14/2007

Size: 2,800 Square Feet

Price Per Month: $11,667

Location: Insurance District

Contact Us Now

Contact: NS New York Real Estate Tel: 212 613 3277

REFERENCE: wr5br0c8n9n4trehofr5h1frafr4k9t6br6st h8fr2chopiged5w6sl0ch9b7v8fr0l dr1frir2sl3m8ph7m6k5u4b0sogofr9 cr1w5dr7b9writ3v4dr1dr8frececiw0wr9sp7 neph7b5macl6spob2l6g1w4cr2dr3f nlmuser:aruncpandya nlmdate:20070914100924


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: New York City, NY

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