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New York City > Real Estate > Rentals Wanted > looking for attractive one and two bedroom apts in Midtown NYC

looking for attractive one and two bedroom apts in Midtown NYC


• 1 bedrooms • 1.5 bathrooms • 700 square feet

ny, NY • 11/03/2008

Signatures- Our firm specializes in vacation rentals and short term housing through owners and renters of one and two bedroom apartments in Manhattan. We oversee the placement and management of our guests in your apartments and we pay you in advance of any our guest’s visits..

We are currently looking for attractive and well appointed one and two bedrooms to accommodate our guests…the rentals can be a short as one night or as long as two months…you let us know what fits best for you.

Our guests are thoroughly screened and required to make deposits and pay in advance of their stay…we guarantee your apartment will be left exactly the way you gave it to us.

For more information on how we can work together call us at 212 354 1338….Ask for Jennie or Don.

We have successfully placed over 2000 guests in the last three years in apartments just like yours.

38 W. 39th St.
NY NY 10019
212 354 1338

Photo of Don Schmidt.

Posted by: signatures

Located: ny, NY

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